(This article has been transferred over from our previous website. Check out the orginal post here. Posted Dec. 13, 2021)
Photo taken by Julianna Iovino
On December 2, 2021, news came out about the second case of a person contracting the Omicron Variant of COVID-19 which was linked to an adult male who attended NYC's anime convention, Anime NYC.
While no clear-cut link can be made between the person contracting the virus and the convention, since it is still unpredictable exactly when and where someone contracts the virus, Anime NYC quickly responded and began reaching out to attendees, urging them to get tested. Within 24 hours of the news coming out, Anime NYC's team had sent two emails to attendees regarding the news and that they were working with officials from the New York City Department of Health to make attendees aware of what was happening. This also included information about the situation and any additional steps attendees could take. A little after the emails, automated NY Contact Tracer calls were being made to attendees to share the same information.
Other than just emails and calls, many social media posts were posted by Anime NYC and the NY Government, both serious and comedic, to spread the information and make people aware that they should get tested and track if they start to show any symptoms. See the link below to check out a comedic Tik Tok video posted by the New York State Government to urge people to get tested.
While the efforts did come out a little late, being almost exactly two weeks from when the convention took place, it is clear that the Anime NYC team and NY Government officials were working hard to get the information out to attendees. The situation is a terrible and tricky one, but both worked very well in responding to the news and getting out the information that people needed.
Article written by Julianna "Cici" Iovino